有bug: MN4pro 扫描版pdf ocr全文搜索不出任何结果


例如,扫描版生物学书pdf在MN4中搜索 生 这个字,没有任何搜索结果,而在开了ocr pro的MN3中能有非常多条的搜索结果。

我已经升级了pro,也分别尝试了打开或关闭设置中的Apple OCR引擎,在摘录工具设置中也设定了“始终通过离线OCR选择和识别文本”,识别语言设置的也是默认的“中英”。也在每次调整玩这些设置后清楚了ocr缓存并且重启app,但都依然不出来任何的搜索结果。

难道是我的设备太老了不支持吗,用的是iPad Air3.

1 个赞


1 个赞

是 bug,下版本修复

3 个赞

请问没买付费OCR功能的MN3用户升级到MN4 Pro 也可以使用原本的OCR付费功能吗

先前的ocr pro包含了离线ocr和在线ocr纠正,现在的MN4 pro, 是直接买断了离线ocr,不需要再每年订阅,在线ocr需要买断或订阅max。客服说,在线ocr纠正用处不大,离线ocr就很够用了。

好滴谢谢:saluting_face: 终于明白了

Just updated to new version, but the OCR issue is still there. can you please confirm whether this update was intended to fix this issue. Please respond because OCR is very much important for me since I am using lot of scanned PDFs.



https://drive.google.com/file/d/1z9wVr-KYyc-YYXRPZjYYOHBxJXb4Gsnr/view? usp=drivesdk

Please watch this recording

Try setting OCR to always~

Already tried that, but no use. I can send you that pdf is you want.

Please tell me a solution, otherwise the amount I spent for max version will be a waste of money, as I have told you almost all my pdfs are scanned.

I am a MN4 pro user. Since I updated MN4 to the latest 4.0.3 version, the scanned pdf ocr searching has been working properly.
Is your ocr icon blue or white? If it is white, click on it to make to blue, this will switch ocr searching on. And maybe also check if the ocr language is set to your target language.


No working in either cases.

This file is imported from MN3, see after selecting (changing selected sentence) the excerpt (in blue color) is automatically removed by MN4.

Because of this there is no use for me from this software. Please consider this and solve this ASAP. @Relight_Support-Team @Leah_Support-Team @Edward_Support-Team

When Turing on apple OCR in settings, I am able to select properly, the problem is that the selection is not proper using apple OCR. So I immediately need a solution for this.

Are all PDFs like this? Can you try clearing the OCR cache and sending me this PDF

Here is the pdf link:


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