有bug: MN4pro 扫描版pdf ocr全文搜索不出任何结果

This PDF that I have sent you contains both scanned pages and normal PDF pages. I am only able to select and search text in normal PDF. For Scanned PDF neither search results nor selection is working.

Whether apple OCR is on when you are doing this?

I can’t turn on Apple OCR because the selection is not proper in Apple OCR.

For the same file I am able to select and search in MN3 even for scanned pages using same settings.

Also kindly tell me is there any way to connect with support team through google meet or zoom

Does this OCR issue have anything to do with this error I have shown in the video?

In App Store, the MAX version purchase is not reflected (it’s still showing a purchase option) but in In-App purchase I have unlocked MAX version.

Is this the 403 version now? Search for a different word

Can’t you use both iPad and Mac? You need to send me the original PDF instead of the printed version exported by mn

I don’t have a Mac, I only bought MAX just to get online OCR. Just updated to 404, but the issue is still there

I will send you another file for which the OCR is also not working for me
FOR MN4.pdf (133.6 KB)

For all the PDFs were I was able to select and search in MN3 are not able to select and search in MN4 under similar settings.

The comprising is given in this video.

Please solve this ASAP.

Handwriting may not support OCR. Did you write this part or did it already exist in the book

I didn’t write, it already exist in the pdf. But as you see MN3 can easily select those texts. Also in previous video I have shared, excepts created in these pdf are automatically removing when it is adjusted in MN4.

Did you check this file? Is it working for you?

You need to click on OCR to search

If you not write it by hand, send me this PDF and I’ll take a look

After clicking ocr

FOR MN4.pdf (133.6 KB)
Check this file

Did you check @Relight_Support-Team

Can you at least confirm whether this is a Bug

Are you choosing Baidu’s OCR? Can you try always OCR?

Baidu is not available in my country, when I switch to VPN OCR is workings fine. But the thing is even without turning on VPN in MN3 it OCR was working fine.