我设置新建标签 时自动打上常规待办标签 ,下次换下打上紧急待办

我设置新建标签 时自动打上常规待办标签 ,下次换下打上紧急待办


Thank you very much. I didn’t expect anyone to actually reply. I used translation software, so please forgive me for any errors or parts that are difficult to understand. I will provide more information if needed. If it’s still not clear, I can add pictures to better explain my question.

What I want to do is create new cards in my mind map and automatically tag them with pre-set labels. I know this is possible with document excerpts, but I can’t find the option to do it in the mind map tags.

For example, if I pre-set a label for “regular tasks”, all new cards will be tagged with that label. Then, if I change it to “urgent tasks”, the new cards will be tagged accordingly. Alternatively, if I set a label for the entire group, new cards created within that group will automatically have the same label.

I can more or less imagine your issue, but the mind map feature is not something I use often. You’re Chinese, right? If so, there’s an active community on the QQ platform where people answer questions. You can join that community, and you’ll likely get a reply within an hour. Even though I’m from outside China, they still respond to me. You will definitely get an answer.

Are you talking about this QQ group? I was originally in one, but there are more professional ones with official guidance. Haha. By the way, are you a staff member of marginnote company? I’m quite excited and find it interesting to talk to a foreigner for the first time.

733725376 Join this group. There’s no need to get excited; after all, we’re all human. I’m no different from anyone walking down the street :sweat_smile:.

Tkink you!