【第三方MN插件】All In One Gen2 #Ver 7.0.0 — 已支援mac上使用

点击左下角三个点 ,设置——插件——允许加载未经认证的插件

1 个赞

为All in One Gen2的计划感到高兴。留言支持一下!

待到有天集成开放型App上架了,mac版也精彩。而自己像要考试了,希望能多准备一下好应对情况变化… 希望复习安排上能做到张弛有度,把握好学习节奏(升级打怪也类似吧)。看场电影适度放松感觉挺好的,大家都说学习效果好才是真的好,或没必要全身心地天天准备考试。


2 个赞

In the latest version 16.8.0
The translation windows are zoomed in … we can’t zoom out
Also AMBOSS window isn’t functioning !!
Hope you notice these things.

Could you please read the tutorial Completely first?The reasons and solutions of these issue are all wrote inside.

By the way, I am pretty sure that Amboss works fine, so please check your internet connection and any other stuff.


1 个赞
  1. May you add Remnote to the note window ?
  2. Is there a feature where I can generate the note url link by clicking the except ?
  3. Regarding the excel, word, Microsoft stuff sometimes they stuck as white screen and not opening although had multiple attempts to open them , any solution ?
  4. Regarding the notion page is there a way to translate it to English ? I tried google chrome extension but didn’t work …

Thank you …

About your question:

  1. May you add Remnote to the note window ?
    A: Got it. I will add it in Gen 2.
  2. Is there a feature where I can generate the note url link by clicking the except ?
    A: Just check other plugins, Or maybe I will add this feature in Gen 2 (or maybe not)
  3. Regarding the excel, word, Microsoft stuff sometimes they stuck as white screen and not opening although had multiple attempts to open them , any solution ?
    A: Nope. These are the problems of these website themselves.
  4. Regarding the notion page is there a way to translate it to English ? I tried google chrome extension but didn’t work …
    A:Well……I will leave this question to the author of the tutorial

You can install the plugin namedsaladict in the edge store and turn on the extension to scratch sentence translation.
沙拉查词-聚合词典划词翻译 - Microsoft Edge Addons



May you add the ‘google sheets’ in the note window

Ok got it

1 个赞

感谢回复,如视频所示,这个问题一直存在,长按PDF或者放大缩小,本地计时器就会停止计时,iPad版本是iPad2018 9.7英寸,卸载、重启和翻墙都试过了,这种现象一直出现。

请问系统是ios还是ipad os?版本号是多少?

iPad os 版号是15.4.1

Ok 我研究一下

我研究过之后发现 这是MN本身设计导致 主页pdf有什么动作所有插件的功能(除了线上计时器这种在网站上运行的)都会被强制暂停 等主页面的动作結束後才會重啟
我已经向官方报告了这个问题 看看官方愿不愿意解决吧

